Sunday, April 5, 2015
Identity Theft This Spring
Actual identity theft is no laughing matter. However, smiling and laughter has long been noted as a way to reduce stress. Be aware of impostors, regardless of how much they make you want to go awwwwww.......
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Blowing Bubbles
Remember the carefree days
when you were a kid playing? One of many children’s favorite toys were bubbles.

There are several mentions of children blowing bubbles, in
stories and paintings, using ruggedly made devices.
Prior to the 20th century, children
discovered their mothers’ leftover washing soap was fun to use to blow
bubbles. In the early 1900’s bubbles gained popularity when they were
first packaged and sold as a toy
If you were a child of the 60’s you might
remember bubbles as a symbol of peace and harmony. The air was filled with bubbles as a symbol
of peace and “flower power”, instead of war. Bubbles were one representation of
the flower children during that time.
Today, bubble solution is the bestselling
toy in the world! Millionaires have been
made from various bubble blowing devices and solutions. One man has made a
career as the world’s largest bubble blower.
Blowing bubbles require you to breathe
deeply and you create something beautiful in your exhale with the bubbles.
When I was a
volunteer Guardian ad Litem with the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
for the Los Angeles
Superior court, I spent much of my time in the children’s protective area with
them as they waited anxiously for their individual time in the courtroom. Part of my responsibility was to assist them
in knowing that they were not to blame and feeling as safe as possible when
they faced the judge. Most of the children were scared and several kept quietly
to themselves, and others were crying. One particular day I took a small bottle
of bubbles with me and sitting with the child I was responsible for, we took
turns blowing bubbles. In a matter of
minutes we were surrounded by almost all of the other children and they wanted
to blow bubbles too. We all shared in the bubble blowing fun and some of the
tears were turned to laughter. Although the children still were fearful of the
situation they were in, the moments they spent blowing bubbles and laughing
relieved the stress in the room. Some of them actually walked to the courtroom
with a smile on their face.
So keep a bottle of bubbles handy. Most toy stores still sell
them for under a dollar. Surprise yourself, and maybe a few other people, by
blowing a few bubbles the next time you feel stress. You might remember how fun
this really is.
QT If you don’t have any bubbles handy,
you can pretend and still see some positive results. Hold your thumb and first
finger as if you were holding a bubble blower. Blow over the top of these two
fingers as if the bubble blower circle was there at the top of your fingers.
For extra emphasis, you can close your eyes and visualize the bubbles floating
away and popping the air.
Excerpt from Stress Out, show stress who's the boss © Self Investment Publishing
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Buy a book and support your favorite charity.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
EFT - Tapping and stress release
Stress is a constant in our lives, such a constant that we actually don’t realize we are under stress, we think it’s “just part of life.”
We erroneously think we have not control over our stress and how it effects us.
It can be a vicious cycle.
When we are stressed ... our body can begin to feel pain or sick... when our body is in pain or exhibiting symptoms of sickness we can feel stressed... and so on ...
There are many natural tools and techniques that can help us to relive our stress reactions and provide healing to our body. One of these powerful techniques if EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, also referred to as tapping.
Countless people have reported that EFT helps them to release stress, anxiety, self-judgment, pain and many other physical problems, and in many cases, it gives them almost instant results.
EFT is a psychological acupuncture, an emotional version of acupuncture, designed and developed by Gary Craig, a Stanford Engineer, from Dr. Roger Callahan's Thought Field Therapy.
EFT stimulates some of the same acupuncture and acupressure meridian points but does so by tapping rather than the use of needles or pressure. In each of these modalities, there is a strong belief in a connection between your body's life force energy, your emotions, and your health.
EFT has been reported successful in countless cases often working where nothing else will.
EFT is recommended by natural practitioners as well as traditional medical doctors, such as Dr. Mercola and Dr. Oz. For more of Dr. Mercola's information on EFT, visit his website. To watch a video of Dr. Oz show when he discussed the Tapping Technique, click here.
Aila Accad, MSN, RN and an Advanced EFT practitioner, is one of the co-authors in Stress Out, Show stress who's the boss. She explains EFT this way: "This technique works on the same principles as acupuncture without the needles. Think of energy flowing through the meridians just like blood flows through the arteries & veins. When there is a clot, flow is stopped. The tapping breaks up the stuck emotions and thoughts so the energy can flow again." Watch her video of the technique on YouTube.
I have personally used EFT to release the effects of stress, increase clarity of mind, to relieve pain, and on other physical and emotional issues. Although many people report that is can be used on anything, it is not a cure-all or a one size fits all. We each have acceptance of what will work for us based on our experience, opinions and premature cognitive commitments. What we believe, will make a difference in what we accept. If you ave never used EFT, I would recommend reading the information on Dr. Mercola's page, watching the videos from Dr. Oz and Aila Accad, and working with it for a few times. When we are open to the possibilities of a natural healing, we may find more possibilities are available to us. I must however, include the disclaimer below.
Other Testimonials:
“EFT is one of the techniques I have used for years. Shortly after being introduced to it, I started using it on everything as they suggest. I felt immediate release from some of the tension and stress that used to be an everyday part of my life. It is something I can use almost everywhere when I start to feel upset, and it works right away for me." ~ Tracy Gelfer ~
“Being a single mother, barely making ends meet in a little apartment in a bad part of town was not how I imagined my life when I was a child, but here I was. I got an email from a friend about EFT. She had used it to help her when she was going through new management at her job and for weeks she wasn't sure if she would get fired. She said it was easy to do and it helped her a lot, so I figured I had nothing to lose. I couldn't afford a class or a coach so I checked it out on the internet. It was easy to understand. All I needed to do was tap certain areas on my face and body, repeat certain sentences and I would feel differently. At first I wasn't sure if anything had happened, so I followed the instructions about doing it more than once. I felt differently almost immediately. One thing I learned was that being very specific was most important. I did this a few times a day and in only a few days I felt calmer. When I was calm I worked better at my job and I had more patience for my daughter. I even had the strength to look for a new apartment in a better part of town. I am thankful my friend told me about EFT.” ~ Name withheld by request ~
Disclaimer. This blog and the book Stress Out, show stress who's the boss offer suggestions in the form of comments, testimonials, personal stories, and advice and action steps. It is not intended as medical or psychological advice. The suggestions may be invaluable in your personal journey toward health, however, you are the ultimate authority on what is appropriate for yourself. The results a person may receive from following the suggestions in this blog or related book are subjective and unique to each individual. There is no guarantee implied or otherwise, that following any of these recommendations will correct the causes of your stress or definitely eliminate the distress you are feeling. The responsibility for use and practice and the results obtained are solely the responsibility of you, the reader. If you are under the care of a medical practitioner for physical health or emotional support, check with your doctor before beginning this or any natural healing program. By following these suggestions, you knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently assume any risks, including any adverse outcome that might result, and agree to release, indemnify, hold harmless and defend the author and publisher, and their respective heirs, agents, consultants, and employees from and against any and all claims which you, or your representatives, may have for any loss, damage, or injury of any kind or nature arising out of or in connection with reading this blog and using any of the healing techniques suggestions.
We erroneously think we have not control over our stress and how it effects us.
It can be a vicious cycle.
When we are stressed ... our body can begin to feel pain or sick... when our body is in pain or exhibiting symptoms of sickness we can feel stressed... and so on ...
There are many natural tools and techniques that can help us to relive our stress reactions and provide healing to our body. One of these powerful techniques if EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, also referred to as tapping.
Countless people have reported that EFT helps them to release stress, anxiety, self-judgment, pain and many other physical problems, and in many cases, it gives them almost instant results.
EFT is a psychological acupuncture, an emotional version of acupuncture, designed and developed by Gary Craig, a Stanford Engineer, from Dr. Roger Callahan's Thought Field Therapy.
EFT stimulates some of the same acupuncture and acupressure meridian points but does so by tapping rather than the use of needles or pressure. In each of these modalities, there is a strong belief in a connection between your body's life force energy, your emotions, and your health.
EFT has been reported successful in countless cases often working where nothing else will.
EFT is recommended by natural practitioners as well as traditional medical doctors, such as Dr. Mercola and Dr. Oz. For more of Dr. Mercola's information on EFT, visit his website. To watch a video of Dr. Oz show when he discussed the Tapping Technique, click here.
Aila Accad, MSN, RN and an Advanced EFT practitioner, is one of the co-authors in Stress Out, Show stress who's the boss. She explains EFT this way: "This technique works on the same principles as acupuncture without the needles. Think of energy flowing through the meridians just like blood flows through the arteries & veins. When there is a clot, flow is stopped. The tapping breaks up the stuck emotions and thoughts so the energy can flow again." Watch her video of the technique on YouTube.
I have personally used EFT to release the effects of stress, increase clarity of mind, to relieve pain, and on other physical and emotional issues. Although many people report that is can be used on anything, it is not a cure-all or a one size fits all. We each have acceptance of what will work for us based on our experience, opinions and premature cognitive commitments. What we believe, will make a difference in what we accept. If you ave never used EFT, I would recommend reading the information on Dr. Mercola's page, watching the videos from Dr. Oz and Aila Accad, and working with it for a few times. When we are open to the possibilities of a natural healing, we may find more possibilities are available to us. I must however, include the disclaimer below.
Other Testimonials:
“EFT is one of the techniques I have used for years. Shortly after being introduced to it, I started using it on everything as they suggest. I felt immediate release from some of the tension and stress that used to be an everyday part of my life. It is something I can use almost everywhere when I start to feel upset, and it works right away for me." ~ Tracy Gelfer ~
“Being a single mother, barely making ends meet in a little apartment in a bad part of town was not how I imagined my life when I was a child, but here I was. I got an email from a friend about EFT. She had used it to help her when she was going through new management at her job and for weeks she wasn't sure if she would get fired. She said it was easy to do and it helped her a lot, so I figured I had nothing to lose. I couldn't afford a class or a coach so I checked it out on the internet. It was easy to understand. All I needed to do was tap certain areas on my face and body, repeat certain sentences and I would feel differently. At first I wasn't sure if anything had happened, so I followed the instructions about doing it more than once. I felt differently almost immediately. One thing I learned was that being very specific was most important. I did this a few times a day and in only a few days I felt calmer. When I was calm I worked better at my job and I had more patience for my daughter. I even had the strength to look for a new apartment in a better part of town. I am thankful my friend told me about EFT.” ~ Name withheld by request ~
Disclaimer. This blog and the book Stress Out, show stress who's the boss offer suggestions in the form of comments, testimonials, personal stories, and advice and action steps. It is not intended as medical or psychological advice. The suggestions may be invaluable in your personal journey toward health, however, you are the ultimate authority on what is appropriate for yourself. The results a person may receive from following the suggestions in this blog or related book are subjective and unique to each individual. There is no guarantee implied or otherwise, that following any of these recommendations will correct the causes of your stress or definitely eliminate the distress you are feeling. The responsibility for use and practice and the results obtained are solely the responsibility of you, the reader. If you are under the care of a medical practitioner for physical health or emotional support, check with your doctor before beginning this or any natural healing program. By following these suggestions, you knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently assume any risks, including any adverse outcome that might result, and agree to release, indemnify, hold harmless and defend the author and publisher, and their respective heirs, agents, consultants, and employees from and against any and all claims which you, or your representatives, may have for any loss, damage, or injury of any kind or nature arising out of or in connection with reading this blog and using any of the healing techniques suggestions.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Remember the carefree days
when you were a kid playing? One of many children’s favorite toys was bubbles.
There are several mentions of children
blowing bubbles, in stories and paintings, using ruggedly made devices.
Prior to the 20th century, children discovered their mothers’
leftover washing soap was fun to use to blow bubbles. In the early 1900’s
bubbles gained popularity when they were first packaged and sold as a toy.
If you were a child of the 60’s you might
remember bubbles as a symbol of peace and harmony. The air was filled with bubbles as a symbol
of peace and “flower power”, instead of war. Bubbles were one representation of
the flower children during that time.
Today, bubble solution is the best selling
toy in the world! Millionaires have been
created because of the invention and sales of various bubble blowing devices
and solutions. One man has made a career as the world’s largest bubble blower.
Blowing bubbles require you to breathe
deeply and you create something beautiful in your exhale with the bubbles.
When I was a
volunteer Guardian ad Litem with the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
for the Los Angeles
Superior court, I spent much of my time in the children’s protective area with
them as they waited anxiously for their individual time in the courtroom. Part of my responsibility was to assist them
in knowing that they were not to blame and feeling as safe as possible when
they faced the judge. Most of the children were scared and several kept quietly
to themselves, and others were crying. One particular day I took a small bottle
of bubbles with me and sitting with the child I was responsible for, we took
turns blowing bubbles. In a matter of minutes,
almost all of the other children surrounded us and they wanted to blow bubbles
too. We all shared in the bubble blowing fun and some of the tears were turned
to laughter. Although the children still were fearful of the situation they
were in, the moments they spent blowing bubbles and laughing relieved the stress
in the room. Some of them actually walked to the courtroom with a smile on
their face.
So keep a bottle of bubbles handy. Most
toy stores still sell them for under a dollar. Surprise yourself, and maybe a
few other people, by blowing a few bubbles the next time you feel stress. You
might remember how fun this really is.
Quick Tip
If you don’t have any bubbles handy, you can pretend and still see some positive results. Hold your thumb and first finger as if you were holding a bubble blower. Blow over the top of these two fingers as if the bubble blower circle was there at the top of your fingers. For extra emphasis, you can close your eyes and visualize the bubbles floating away and popping the air.
If you don’t have any bubbles handy, you can pretend and still see some positive results. Hold your thumb and first finger as if you were holding a bubble blower. Blow over the top of these two fingers as if the bubble blower circle was there at the top of your fingers. For extra emphasis, you can close your eyes and visualize the bubbles floating away and popping the air.
ISBN: 978-0-9815238-3-5
Published by Self
Investment Publishing ©2009
rights reserved including right of reproduction in whole or in part in any
$5 from every book donated to the charity of your choice.
$5 from every book donated to the charity of your choice.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Stop striving for Balance
Many people strive for balance in their life. They set a goal and stress to achieve it.
When we want to achieve a more healthy relationship with stress, it helps to understand what we are attempting to achieve.
Balance is defined as: to arrange, adjust, or proportion the parts to be equal. Are the events in your life ever equal? Can you control everything to make the events in your life equal? Does it cause you stress when you continually work to control everything to make everything equal?
It appears that attempting to manufacture balance can actually cause stress.
Balance appears like a flat line:
A flat line, is usually the definition we give to death, no activity.
Our lives are actually a combination of ups and downs; things and events we label as good and bad.
Our life can be compared to a musical score of notes.
Some higher and more pleasant than others.
Harmony is defined as: agreement, a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity.
One synonym is "Peace."
When we accept the harmony in our lives we can better recognize the "notes" that we can change to create the music we desire.
When we want to achieve a more healthy relationship with stress, it helps to understand what we are attempting to achieve.
Balance is defined as: to arrange, adjust, or proportion the parts to be equal. Are the events in your life ever equal? Can you control everything to make the events in your life equal? Does it cause you stress when you continually work to control everything to make everything equal?
It appears that attempting to manufacture balance can actually cause stress.
Balance appears like a flat line:
A flat line, is usually the definition we give to death, no activity.
Our lives are actually a combination of ups and downs; things and events we label as good and bad.
Our life can be compared to a musical score of notes.

Harmony is defined as: agreement, a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity.
One synonym is "Peace."
When we accept the harmony in our lives we can better recognize the "notes" that we can change to create the music we desire.
Reprint allowed ONLY with written permission.
Excerpt from Stress Out, show stress who's the boss Chapter excerpt,
Every Stress Out book you buy can benefit your favorite charity. YOU designate your favorite charity on checkout.
Self Investment Publishing
Self Investment Publishing
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Laugh Quota
Studies show we need 12 laughs a day to stay healthy.
You will laugh out loud watching this free movie of quotes and photos that bring them to life.
Contribute to your good health- get your share of laughs today !
A few of the humorous quotes:
"I've exercised with women so thin, that buzzards followed them to their cars" ~Erma Bombeck
"I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on." -Roseanne Barr
"Insanity doesn't run in my family, it gallops" - Cary Grant
"I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on." -Roseanne Barr
"Insanity doesn't run in my family, it gallops" - Cary Grant
It may require you to disable your pop up blocker to launch this video to play.
If that link doesn't work, click here
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Exercise - just for fun
Over the years, the US Surgeon General’s office has issued reports based on extensive research, to educate and provide us with recommendations that can help us to live healthier lives. The report recommends that moderate physical activity for only 30 minutes per day can make a significant difference in the way a person handles stress.
The problem is that most people will tell you that they hate to exercise. So what can be done to make it more fun.
A French company selling a water product created this commercial. If these stationary bikes were actually sitting in a public square, would you get on and exercise to see the result?
laughter is also a good relief from stress.
The problem is that most people will tell you that they hate to exercise. So what can be done to make it more fun.
A French company selling a water product created this commercial. If these stationary bikes were actually sitting in a public square, would you get on and exercise to see the result?
Did you love it. Share with your friends.
laughter is also a good relief from stress.
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