Monday, October 15, 2012

Stop striving for Balance

Many people strive for balance in their life. They set a goal and stress to achieve it.

When we want to achieve a more healthy relationship with stress, it helps to understand what we are attempting to achieve.

 Balance is defined as: to arrange, adjust, or proportion the parts to be equal. Are the events in your life ever equal? Can you control everything to make the events in your life equal? Does it cause you stress when you continually work to control everything to make everything equal?

It appears that attempting to manufacture balance can actually cause stress.

 Balance appears like a flat line:

A flat line, is usually the definition we give to death, no activity.

Our lives are actually a combination of ups and downs; things and events we label as good and bad.

Our life can be compared to a musical score of notes.

Some higher and more pleasant than others.

Harmony is defined as: agreement, a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity.

One synonym is "Peace."

When we accept the harmony in our lives we can better recognize the "notes" that we can change to create the music we desire.

Reprint allowed ONLY with written permission.
Excerpt from Stress Out, show stress who's the boss Chapter excerpt,

Every Stress Out book you buy can benefit your favorite charity. YOU designate your favorite charity on checkout.

Self Investment Publishing
Self Investment Publishing

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Laugh Quota

Studies show we need 12 laughs a day to stay healthy.
You will laugh out loud watching this free movie of quotes and photos that bring them to life.

Contribute to your good health- get your share of laughs today !

A few of the humorous quotes:

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure"
"I've exercised with women so thin, that buzzards followed them to their cars" ~Erma Bombeck
"I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on." -Roseanne Barr
"Insanity doesn't run in my family, it gallops" - Cary Grant

It may require you to disable your pop up blocker to launch this video to play.

Laughter Is an Instant Vacation inspirational video from

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Exercise - just for fun

Over the years, the US Surgeon General’s office has issued reports based on extensive research, to educate and provide us with recommendations that can help us to live healthier lives. The report recommends that moderate physical activity for only 30 minutes per day can make a significant difference in the way a person handles stress.

The problem is that most people will tell you that they hate to exercise. So what can be done to make it more fun.

A French company selling a water product created this commercial. If these stationary bikes were actually sitting in a public square, would you get on and exercise to see the result?

Did you love it. Share with your friends.

laughter is also a good relief from stress.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to handle stress like a dog

Thanks to my friend Dana, for sending me this photo. Perfect advice.

Note: Dana received this photo from several of her friends. We would love to know who originated this cute image.


Featured Adoptable Pet:


Yuba County Animal Care Services
Olivehurst, CA

compliments of